Friday, January 15, 2010

Last night, True Love!

"... For you, a thousand times over."
And I ran.

I put down 'The Kite Runner' after reading it a fourth time over. How many times do we feel the urge to do something for someone 'a thousand times over'? How many of us are moved to help those who need us most? Do we realise that a mere pat on someone's back can go a long way in assuaging his pain?

I met a mortal a day,
His sorrow overpowering his being.
"Worry not! Why must you, pray?!"
I was remorseful at what I was seeing.

"Last night, I met a Mademoiselle...
She said she'll stay with me.
I dreamed a happy life ahead,
Look what she's left me to be!"

"You look battered and forlorn.
Why did you believe her right away?"
In my heart, I knew the storm
That was staring the hapless soul's way.

"Last night I didn't pretend.
I was proud of what I portrayed."
"Is this the way she befriends?
Of this Damsel, I am afraid!"

"Last night, I felt alive.
I lived my life again.
I knew not she'd connive
To bring me back the pain."

"Do you regret what ensued?"
My interrogation caught him unawares.
"No, boy! I don't." he pruned
"My love for her, it glares."

"True love is what we set to quest,
You found it in a day.
Go and proclaim to the best,
And overcome this trivial dismay."

I recall the incidence as I write,
The parallelism in it is profound.
I know the True Love's might,
By losing myself, I have found.

Last night was special, last night was true,
I preach myself everyday.
I know mortals like him are few,
The others are all astray.

PS: The above 'attempt' at poetry is not a work of fiction and bears resemblance with someone living, and certainly not dead. I am sorry, YOU! I just had to write.

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  1. It is touching. I don't know enough of English to comprehend this but I do get a drift of it.

    I am reminded of this thought that had occurred to me once. When you have regretted enough for having lost the diamond you found in the rough, just give some time to yourself and let the diamond realize whose touch it has lost.

    So I will advice that to you and I am sure your "*un-astray* mortal is holding on to that too" :)

  2. That's the most precious advice that I have ever received Vikesh. I'll surely 'hold on to that'.

    Thank you so much. For everything!

  3. Haha... advise* . You need a lesson in the language!

  4. I meant my advice -> advise* .. I thought you'd catch that!

  5. I didn't mean to demean you further dufus!
