Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Of food, and home!

I wonder who coined the term 'Holidays'. Conditioning makes us believe that these 'holy'days give everyone an opportunity to relax, sleep that tad bit longer, do that wee bit less. Sometimes, and I speak on behalf of inherently listless brethren, these vacations seem to pass in a jiffy. Snap, and gone.

Wait, What?! Oh, okay!

Everyone looks forward to breaks- long and short. It is impossible to keep on going, tirelessly and determined, at a stretch beyond a point in time. You need to refuel yourself, maybe gulp down some water and eat some morsels of food, and get back on track. That makes me realise the importance of food. There was a time when people ate to live, and then they lived to eat. Now, people live and don't eat. Fads, tsk.

I used to be a couch-potato. School, food, home, food, television, food, sleep. And Cartoon Network of the yore used to be my favourite. It used to be quite informative as well, you see! In one of those programs, I heard and vividly recall, "The only way to get rid of your broccoli is to eat 'em!" How true!

To be able to vanquish your worst fears, face them. You can take the easier route- skirt the issue, take the simpler path- but where does that lead you? To a bigger version of your fears. That's the irony of existence. You run away from your fears, only to be faced by them yet again, in a more vicious form.

Well, my only fear right now is how to finish the food on my plate. The lady of the house seems to crowd the dishes with servings after another of ghar ka khana, and it seems to be filling me up, and out. If I don't finish this, I wonder what would be in store for me for the next meal. The Last Supper, eh?! You bet ya!

So, I'd rather gobble along now. I have to seek inspiration from Man Vs. Food, and oh boi! Does that bugger have an appetite?! Respect.