Saturday, March 19, 2011


Tomorrow, the land will be coloured- hues of scarlet, fuchsia, mustard yellow and indigo blue. There will be the appetizing Malpuas and the scrumptious Dahi vadas. It will be a day to celebrate and a time to make merry.

Colours signify life- existence. They embody emotions and desires. Red- the colour of passion, Black- the colour of knowledge, and Green- the colour of envy. You can converse through colours as well.

Yellow- I feel good today.
White- Nirvana, shall we?
Blue- Calm like the sea.

For instance,

Professor- Grey
Student- White

Girl- Pink
Boy- Red

Get the drift? Er.. nor do I actually.

So basically the point is that colours make it simple for all of us; to say a whole lot of things that we want to, without overtly stating them.

Imagine life in monotone. Everything black, or white. How would we categorize people, then? Where would the shades of grey go?
We need colours to make life simple. To make it meaningful, and to express ourselves emphatically.

'Nuff said. I reckon I am taking away a lot from the festival of abeer and bhaang!

So, have a great Holi and let the colours flow!

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