Saturday, May 22, 2010


I have been trying to delay this post for quite sometime now. Procrastination is easy. Fun, in fact! But there is this wicked devil that gnaws at me at all unearthly hours and raises it's head every time I am on the World Wide Web. Guilt.

I am amazed how guilt can make someone's life topsy-turvy. You have these unwarranted bouts of silence where you look at the lizard on the wall as if you were taking a look at the Kohinoor. The lawn mower on the ground floor seems to be an exquisite piece of art just because you stare at it with such intent, as if it was created to floor the human race with its curves. The thought process during these times is so arbitrary that an infant would chuckle with pride at his own outlook and viewpoint. Much more articulate than you, he is.

Anyway, so to get rid of these pangs of desperation, I decided to write this post. I don't know why I'm going on about it. Maybe I should stop.

Okay. I'll stop now.

So, I'm stopping.

See, I stopped.

Oh wait. One last thing, I took my first ever junta class train ride a few days back. From Haridwar to Roorkee at about Midnight. It was fun. Just that wherever I stood, there were people's feet right in my face. A li'l creepy, to say the least.

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